Are you looking to earn some extra cash on the side or are you looking for a fun side hustle to generate more income? Selling printables could be the side hustle you’ve been searching for. Printables are in high demand and are not going away anytime soon. To make money selling printables, you don’t even have to be creative or have design experience. You just need to come up with an idea for a printable people want. Fortunately, I’ve got a list of all the best-selling printables for you right here. Keep reading to learn how to make money selling printables!

Table of Contents
What Are Printables?
Printables are files that people buy and print at home. These are some examples of printables you can sell to make money.
- Meal planners
- Budget planners
- Valentines Day cards
- Calendars
- Cake toppers
- Colouring in books for kids (my favourite)
- Gift tags
- Thank you notes
- Resumes
- Letterheads
- Expenses tracker
- Games
- Habit trackers
What’s great about printables is that you don’t have to handle any shipping or costs for materials, which will save you a lot of headaches and money. And if you’re selling them on a platform like Etsy then making money selling your printables is even easier. Etsy makes it simple to make money selling printables.
Why Should You Start a Side Hustle Selling Printables?
Selling printables over physical products has many benefits. And Etsy is a convenient way to make money selling Printables on the side even if you don’t have much time at hand to build your side hustle.
Therefore here are 5 reasons why you should consider selling a Printable side hustle:
- Despite what you might think, you don’t need a background in design at all to create Printables because you can simply customise done-for-you templates, like meal plans and calendars, that have already been designed.
- Etsy only charges you $0.20 for each Printable you list, making it one of the most affordable side hustles. And that also means that the profit margins for selling Printables are high.
- You only need to create your Printables once, but you can sell them again and again. So, once you have your Printables in your store, you can simply focus on driving more traffic to it with Pinterest, Facebook, SEO, or ads to increase sales.
- Furthermore, once your shop has gained traction, your Printables will start selling on auto-pilot which means it can make a passive income for you.
- And lastly, selling Printables is hands-free, because Etsy will take care of everything, including sending your digital file to your customers and collecting your payment.
How Much Money Can You Make Selling Printables?
How much money can you make selling printables? This depends on what printable idea you come up with and how well your audience likes your printables.
Related: Get this free ebook if you’re curious to find out which printables sell the best at various times of the month!
Some people are making anything from $20/ month to $1000 or more! There is no limit to how much you can make from selling printables because there is no management or inventory involved. The nature of the product makes it easy to make money selling printables.
Printables That Sell Well
To come up with a printable that sells well, take a look at other shops in your niche and see what is already selling well. If you feel as if the your search for printables is too saturated, try a different variation of keywords.
Other things to look for are Etsy’s recommendations, since these shops get a lot of traffic.
You can also determine the popularity of Printables by comparing how long a shop has been open compared to how many sales they have made.
Also, make sure to check out Etsy’s bestsellers highlighted on the front page.
In addition, you can use keyword research tools to estimate keyword search volumes and to find the most searched items.
Sell Your Printables
In order to get people to buy your printables you want to make sure that it does either one of the following things:
Your printable should solve your audience’s problem or your printable should help your audience achieve their goals.
For example, is your Printable helping your audience be more organized? Or is your Printable helping your audience save money to buy that dream car or lose weight to fit in those jeans again? Find a specific problem to solve and tackle it with a printable!
Start Making Printables To Sell On Etsy
Great news! Because you can create your printable with free software like Canva, or even Google Docs. There are tons of easy to use software that can help you start creating your printables.
If you aren’t feeling super creative, you can also use pre-made templates that have much of the design already done for you.
Make Money Selling Printables
To start selling your printables you need to set up your Etsy store.
All you have to do then is to list your item just like you would for a physical item, but as a digital download. And make it clear in your description that people are receiving a downloadable file and not a physical copy!
You can also include a callout that says “Instant Download” in the picture to let people know that it is a digital product.
Because you’d be surprised how many customers think that they are also receiving a physical printout with their order.
Success Factor of Printables
Not all Printables will sell equally well. Therefore, don’t be disheartened if your first Printables don’t sell well right away. Because it takes time to understand what your customers want. Therefore you need to research your niche and look at best-selling items on Etsy. Remember that you can only make as much money from your Printable side hustle as there is supply and demand.
That means if your Printables aren’t selling simply pivot and come up with a new idea instead of giving up. You can also refine your Printables, target a different audience, or improve the marketing of your listing to see if that increases sales.
Also, the success of a Printable can be affected by trends or circumstances that create a sudden demand. Most successful Etsy sellers of Printables have pivoted towards what their customers wanted.
So, keep an open mind and be on the lookout for trends.
In the case of Covid, for example, many sellers shifted gears to offer Printable covid related signs, customer intake forms for small businesses, and witty covid related Christmas cards.
Just give it a try. Because even 30 minutes a day is enough to seriously set up a profitable side hustle in the long run.
Whether or not you have a Printable idea that makes you millions right away, you still started the process. Because the only way to find out what your audience really wants is to start. You’ve got nothing to lose.
Are you feeling inspired to make and sell your own Printables? Are you going to start to make money selling printables? Let me know in the comments below.
Kris is a new mom and a blogger over at Her blog was born out of her desire to achieve financial freedom so that she could spend as much time with her baby girl working from home instead of rushing to work each day. Her mission now is to help other mommies make money online because she believes that any mommy can make extra money for her family.